— George Stroumboulis


Many say it, few do it: WORK HARD, PLAY HARDER. Ideoli Group is the poster child for this mindset.

🌴 We hosted our Global Team Summit in South Beach, Miami for our executive folks from Europe, South America, Asia and North America.

🌍 A truly global team connected with passion, friendship, and a desire to create the most incredible lighting environments in the world.

❤️ What a powerful few days together. Team building in South Beach, Miami with Ideoli Group. George Stroumboulis, Chris Hartswick, Janeen Canzone, Kostas Varnavopoulos, Armando Vargas, Abby Grodin, Georgios Mavridis, Perry Karen, Matias Samaniego, Vito Bonsignore and Mark Lu. Thank you!

Team building in South Beach, Miami with Ideoli Group. George Stroumboulis, Chris Hartswick, Janeen Canzone, Kostas Varnavopoulos, Armando Vargas, Abby Grodin, Georgios Mavridis, Perry Karen, Matias Samaniego, Vito Bonsignore and Mark Lu.

Cruising into Brickell, Miami in a yacht… beers in hand.

Yes, pushup competition in South Beach, Police on hand.


Team building events can be highly beneficial for companies as they foster stronger relationships among employees, improve communication, boost morale, and enhance collaboration. Here's what companies should consider when planning team building events:

  1. Understand the Team's Needs: Before organizing any team building event, it's important to understand the specific needs and dynamics of the team. Are there communication issues? Trust issues? Low morale? Tailor the event to address these specific challenges.

  2. Set Clear Objectives: Define the purpose and objectives of the team building event. Whether it's improving communication, fostering creativity, or enhancing problem-solving skills, having clear goals will help guide the planning process and ensure that the event is effective.

  3. Choose the Right Activities: Select activities that are engaging, inclusive, and relevant to the team's goals. Activities could range from outdoor adventures like ropes courses or scavenger hunts to indoor activities like escape rooms or team-building workshops. Make sure the activities are suitable for all team members and consider any physical limitations or preferences.

  4. Encourage Collaboration and Communication: Design activities that require teamwork, cooperation, and communication. Encourage employees to work together, share ideas, and problem-solve as a group. This not only strengthens relationships but also improves essential workplace skills.

  5. Create Opportunities for Reflection: Incorporate time for reflection and debriefing after each activity. Encourage team members to discuss what they learned, how they can apply it to their work, and any insights gained from the experience. This reflection process reinforces the lessons learned and helps to solidify the team's bond.

  6. Promote Fun and Engagement: While the primary goal of team building events is to improve teamwork and collaboration, it's also important to make sure everyone has fun. Choose activities that are enjoyable and engaging, and create a relaxed and positive atmosphere where employees feel comfortable participating.

  7. Follow Up: Team building events shouldn't be a one-time occurrence. Follow up on the event by integrating the lessons learned into everyday work life. Encourage ongoing communication and collaboration, and consider organizing regular check-ins or follow-up activities to reinforce the bonds formed during the event.

  8. Respect Individual Preferences: While team building events are meant to bring people together, it's important to respect individual preferences and boundaries. Avoid activities that could make people uncomfortable or exclude certain team members. Create a safe and inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and respected.

Overall, team building events should be thoughtfully planned, purposeful, and tailored to the specific needs of the team. When done effectively, they can have a positive impact on employee morale, productivity, and overall team performance.


There are numerous strategic activities that teams can undertake to build teamwork and enhance collaboration. Here are some examples:

  1. Problem-Solving Challenges: Present the team with complex problems or scenarios relevant to your industry or specific challenges your team faces. Encourage them to work together to brainstorm solutions, analyze options, and make decisions collectively.

  2. Escape Room: Escape rooms are immersive, interactive puzzles where teams must work together to solve clues and escape within a time limit. These activities promote teamwork, communication, and critical thinking skills in a fun and engaging way.

  3. Outdoor Team Building Activities: Activities such as ropes courses, obstacle courses, or wilderness survival challenges require teamwork, trust, and communication to succeed. They also provide opportunities for team members to step out of their comfort zones and support each other in new ways.

  4. Team-Building Workshops: Host workshops focused on specific teamwork skills such as communication, conflict resolution, or decision-making. Provide tools, resources, and guided exercises to help team members develop these skills and apply them in the workplace.

  5. Team Bonding Events: Organize social events or outings outside of the office where team members can relax, have fun, and get to know each other on a personal level. Activities like team dinners, bowling nights, or volunteering together can help strengthen relationships and foster a sense of camaraderie.

  6. Team Challenges or Competitions: Create friendly competitions or challenges that require teamwork and collaboration to win. This could include trivia contests, team sports tournaments, or building challenges using materials like Legos or building blocks.

  7. Cross-Functional Projects: Assign cross-functional projects where team members from different departments or areas of expertise must collaborate to achieve a common goal. This encourages diversity of thought, promotes cross-departmental relationships, and fosters a sense of unity across the organization.

  8. Peer Recognition Programs: Implement a peer recognition program where team members can nominate and acknowledge each other's contributions, teamwork, and achievements. This reinforces positive behaviors, fosters a culture of appreciation, and strengthens team bonds.

  9. Regular Team Meetings and Check-Ins: Schedule regular team meetings or check-ins to provide opportunities for open communication, feedback, and collaboration. Use these meetings to discuss progress, address challenges, and brainstorm ideas as a team.

  10. Team Retreats or Off-Sites: Plan off-site retreats or team-building workshops where team members can focus on building relationships, setting goals, and strategizing for the future in a relaxed and distraction-free environment.

These strategic activities can help teams develop stronger bonds, improve communication, and work more effectively together to achieve common goals. It's important to choose activities that align with your team's specific needs, goals, and preferences to ensure maximum impact.


Miami can be a fantastic destination to bring international employees together for meetings and strategy sessions for several reasons:

  1. Accessibility: Miami is a major international hub with a well-connected airport, making it easily accessible for employees traveling from different parts of the world. It offers direct flights to many major cities worldwide, which can reduce travel time and logistical challenges for international attendees.

  2. Diverse Culture: Miami is known for its vibrant multicultural atmosphere, with a diverse population representing various ethnicities and backgrounds. This diversity can create a welcoming environment for international employees and provide opportunities for cultural exchange and networking.

  3. Warm Climate: Miami's tropical climate with sunny weather year-round can be a welcome change for employees coming from colder regions. The pleasant weather allows for outdoor activities and relaxation, creating a more enjoyable experience for attendees during breaks or leisure time.

  4. World-Class Accommodations: Miami offers a wide range of accommodations, from luxury hotels to boutique resorts, to suit different preferences and budgets. Many of these accommodations offer modern facilities, business amenities, and meeting spaces suitable for hosting productive strategy meetings and conferences.

  5. Meeting and Event Facilities: Miami boasts numerous convention centers, conference venues, and event spaces equipped with state-of-the-art technology and amenities. These facilities provide ideal settings for hosting meetings, presentations, and workshops, accommodating both large and small groups.

  6. Networking Opportunities: Miami's dynamic business environment attracts professionals from various industries, providing ample networking opportunities for international employees. Hosting meetings in Miami can facilitate connections with local businesses, industry experts, and potential partners, enhancing collaboration and knowledge exchange.

  7. Leisure Activities: In addition to work-related activities, Miami offers a wide range of leisure and recreational options for attendees to unwind and explore during their downtime. From beautiful beaches and outdoor adventures to cultural attractions and vibrant nightlife, there's something for everyone to enjoy outside of meetings.

  8. Strategic Location: Miami's strategic location as a gateway to Latin America and the Caribbean can be advantageous for companies with international operations or interests in these regions. Holding meetings in Miami can facilitate discussions and strategic planning for expanding business opportunities in neighboring countries.

Overall, Miami's accessibility, cultural diversity, favorable climate, world-class amenities, and strategic location make it an excellent destination for bringing international employees together for productive meetings, strategy sessions, and team-building activities.